Posts Tagged ‘awesomeness’

Hello wonderful people! How was your week? Mine was pretty quiet – an exam, a chocolate tasting and probably a bit too much Twitter. On to the links!
Love this post on running and writing. Side note – I am listening to his selected music as I type this.
Celia wrote a lovely post on how learning new skills has empowered her.
This NY Times article really opened my eyes on the science and marketing of mass produced food.
Cassie’s done it again! Check out her advice on why you’re failing at dieting.
I need an excuse to make these no bake banana caramel cheesecakes. The husband hates bananas and I know if I made them I would eat them ALL.
What have you found interesting/useful/bizarre on the interwebs this week? Do share!
Photo courtesy youngdoo.
After my last IMK post I kept thinking of things to include in the next one. I then promptly forgot about all of them. (Note to self: Start writing things down.) So here we go with a bunch of random stuff I found around my kitchen today!
In my kitchen…
is a box of Iain Burnett chocolates bought for Valentine’s Day. We’re finding the milks a bit sweet, but the lemongrass ganache has been a firm favourite of mine. (Photo from Alexeeva & Jones)

are these small Chinese tea cups, bought from our local Asian grocery store for £1 each. Perfect for dipping sauces or frequent drinks of Celia’s ginger tea.

is a bunch of spring onions. You may be asking yourself what is so special about a bunch of spring onions? Well this bunch was grown by taking the roots of a supermarket bunch and sticking them in water. Plain water! What you see above is about a week’s growth. I’ve already trimmed them several times, but they just keep growing!

are a few bars of Pacari and Amedei chocolates – my favourites from the tastings I went to at Alexeeva & Jones. Apparently, Amedei only make 20,000 bars of the Porcelana each year, so if you’re looking for bar 7692, you’re out of luck. It’s mine, all mine! OK, maybe I’ll share it with the husband.

is a giant bottle of fish sauce. Bought for the great meatball Olympics of 2012, I used one tablespoon in some Vietnamese meatballs and the bottle has been sitting on my bench ever since. Please send me some recipes to use it up!

is a bag of maca powder and a bag of chia seeds, part of my new healthy eating regime. The maca is an acquired taste, but I’m slowly working my way through both bags.

is a book by food anthropologist Katarzyna Cwiertka detailing the shifts in Japanese cuisine throughout the centuries. I’m not finished with it yet, but so far it’s been interesting to learn how Western influences have changed the landscape of Japanese food and cooking since the 1850s.
What’s happening in your kitchen this month?

Hello lovely people! How have you been? I have had a brilliant week! I attended my first ever Twitter party (yes I am *finally* on Twitter), finished the first week of my twelve week transformation and spent a wonderful Valentine’s day with my husband. I also discovered loads of amazing links for you.
Amy wrote a wonderfully honest and authentic piece on how her yoga training is changing her life.
Joy shared some fantastic blogging tips.
Pamela wrote about getting more than she bargained for on the massage table. WARNING: NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH!
Oh wow, so useful: How to get started when when you’re a life-long procrastinator. Thanks Bev!
And finally Cassie shared a beautiful post on what love feels like.
How about you? What treasures have found on the internet this week?
Photo courtesy Karen Newman.

Hello gorgeous people! How were your weeks? I spent mine learning a new computer program, cooking, trying out burlesque dancing and cleaning all the things.
Sarah Helpola has written on why having a bucket list may not necessarily be the best thing.
After all the indulgences over the festive period, I think I’ll be cooking up a big batch of Amy’s emergency soup this week!
The Dame has compiled a list of awesome and inspirational women bloggers you should totally check out.
Still haven’t made any resolutions yet? Nubby Twiglet wrote a great post on dreaming big, setting goals and doing what you love. OK, so it was written for 2012, but is still relevant to 2013!
I am loving the London Grumblr! So, so true.
How about you? What have you found interesting on the interwebz this week?
Photo courtesy Sirwiseowl.
Share your thoughts
Celia over at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial does these great posts every month showcasing all the wonderful food she’s made, grown or received as well as nifty foodie items she’s bought or been gifted.
Unlike Celia, there’s not usually a lot going on in my kitchen so this is likely to be my first and last “In my kitchen” post, but here’s a few random items currently sitting on my counter.
In my kitchen…
…are home-made mince pies. Yes, I made them myself from scratch. Yes, including the mincemeat. No, they weren’t completely inedible.

…is a box of Xocolat chocolates, a Christmas present from the husband. We stumbled across their shop tucked away in a small alley in Vienna a few years ago and bought a couple of boxes. The husband declares them the best chocolates ever and I have to say they are among my favourites.

…is a jar of Corsican honey, a gift from l’Abeille. I have no idea if Corsican honey is better than any other sort of honey, but I’m on the lookout for recipes that will showcase it, rather than just smearing it on toast. Any suggestions?

…is a box of chocolate from Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé in Hungary. I discovered this chocolatier a couple of years ago during the Chocolate Week exhibition and knew I wanted to try more of their wares. I decided to buy myself a box for Christmas. So far, I’m not disappointed.

…is a box of English Breakfast tea from New English Teas, a gift from my parents-in-law. I usually have a cup of Earl Grey in the mornings, but this stuff is so good I’m seriously considering switching to English Breakfast.

…is this fat separator from Oxo. I bought it before Christmas and have used it a few times. It does a wonderful job at separating the fat from the meat juices after cooking a roast, making gravy preparation so much easier. No, I am not being paid to say this.

So what’s going on in your kitchen at the moment?
All pictures my own, except those clearly taken from their respective company’s website. Those would be the decent, in focus photos.

After reading Ashe’s self-love article, I immediately wanted to create my own playlist of songs that make me feel good. This was such a fun exercise! I spent far too much time on YouTube and realised that a lot of my favourite songs don’t actually make me feel happy. People use music in all sorts of ways, and often I turn to music for comfort, or when I’m upset and just want to wallow for a while. (This may become a whole other playlist.) Usually hearing any of the songs on the list below is a happy accident, I’ll hear them on the radio or in a club and immediately be perked up. Now that I’ve got the list, however, I’m going to start listening to them deliberately when I need to feel better. These are the songs I love love love, the ones that make me feel happy, boost my mood and get me dancing. These are the songs that contain many happy memories and make me feel good about myself.
Rather than just give you a list of songs (where would be the fun in that?), you get to guess the songs based on my not-so-cryptic clues. Try to at least have a go before clicking on the video link. Although if you are really stumped, can’t be bothered, or don’t have time to sit through the videos, there is a spoiler below; just highlight with your cursor. Ready? Here we go!
Kate’s Self-Love Playlist
- The duration of my time on this earth is mine to command.
- I propose a toast!
- The veil was lifted and I got the hint.
- Inconceivable!
- I will perambulate for 805 kilometres. And then do it again.
- Remove this burden.
- My affection is totally flawless.
- Adam’s ale.
- It’s copacetic.
- That was quite some nocturnal event.
- The manner in which she moves is perplexing.
For spoilers, highlight from here –
- It’s my life – Bon Jovi
- Raise your glass – Pink
- The Sign – Ace of Base
- Unbelievable – EMF
- I’m gonna be (500 miles) – The Proclaimers
- Pressure down – John Farnham
- 100% Pure love – Crystal Waters
- Water – Elitsa Todorova
- It’s alright – East 17
- December 1963 (Oh what a night) – Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
- Mysterious ways – U2
to here.
How about you? What songs would you pick for your list?
Photo courtesy ST33VO.
This post previously appeared on my former WordPress blog.